Collection: Herbs

This is a current list of the herbs we offer, as well as other natural ingredients commonly used in ritual work and crafting. We are continuing to expand our offerings, and you can email requests to Unless otherwise stated, we sell herbs by the ounce. 

We do not provide advice on the medicinal use of herbs, but please pay attention when we give warnings about individual plants as we do stock several herbs that are known to be toxic if ingested. If you have plant allergies, you should use caution when working with plant material; we cannot guarantee that given product has not come into contact with your allergen during the distribution process. We do not sell any herbal product as a food or supplement, and do not advise their use as such.

For your convenience, we provide some basic correspondences for most of the herbs we offer. Some herbs, believe it or not, have not been classified in any publication. In those cases, we attempt to discern correspondences using traditional methods. These correspondences are not set in stone, however.